Brandi Metcalf
Brandi Metcalf
Hi ladies it's been a while. But omg I am ready explode!!!! Short story my husbands high school bff is staying here cuz he got kicked out of his moms house. I now know why. He decided to talk back to me and try to tell me what to do in my home. So I am a bitch and kicked his ass outside in the yard in a tent. And anything he says i don't like i snap at him. The clocks ticking dude. My husband told whatever I say goes and he deserves. And yes my husband told him something but I take charge in these situations because my husband has seizures when he gets stressed or really worked up. But man!! Dont people respect others that help them out anymore!?

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Smh hun u did right in kicking his ass out u deserve respect and after helping him thats messed up he best behave and stop disrespecting u he ain't no man but still a childish kid if he acts like that with u after u and ur husband helped him and the way the shit is now all messed up he should be appreciative to yall
25.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
Right!!!! He is almost 40 and acting 14!
25.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
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