I was married to a grandma's boy 😂🙄 she paid his phone bill, car insurance and $400 car payment. He treats her like complete shit too. She even watches our oldest son 100% of the time and when our youngest son is there for the week she keeps him all the time too. Because his new fiance doesn't like kids. He refused to move out of her house even when I had a decent job and he had a really good job.
Girl yes he paid her rent every month and she got a check where she could pay her own!! Now I know you should help your mom but every month gosh and she had a live in boyfriend smh but that is one reason we did not last but he was a good nan dont get me wrong.
It hasnt sunk in that im gone. We had a blizzard here. And he thought to contact me. Saying in case something happened too him. Now mind you I haven't seen him over a month and a half