Any advice for breathing thru labor/contractions? Nurse said I was hyperventilating that's all I remember. I couldn't catch my breath it was like the contractions flooded with no break. I chickened out @5cm got the epidural. This time I need mom advice to just do this natural no epidural but definitely will need some pain meds I'm sure👍🏼 anybody know what to do? I did 20hrs with my 1st not looking forward to that again

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A doula I hear is a lifesaver for natural births if you can afford one. I just tried to focus on something other than the contractions while I had them. I had an epidural at 7cm to slow down contractions because my body wouldn't relax and Henry was distressed and his heart rate kept rising too high and then dropping every contraction. But while I was laboring naturally watching TV really helped. I had Netflix on my phone and watched baking shows, and really focused on them when contractions came as a distraction technique
09.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
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