**Trigger warning**
I found out I was pregnant on 12/9 15 dpo and my period was a day late. I had my blood test done on 12/14 and my HCG was 1,204.
Everything was going fine and progressing "normal" my morning sickness had arrived at 5 weeks and I was totally sick 24/7. I figured this was normal until 12/24. I had my phone appointment with the OBGYN nurse to go over my medical history before my 8 week appointment (1/10).
After that phone appointment I went to the bathroom at 1:15 and I realized I was bleeding (heavy and started passing clots) I freaked out and called my doctor. They told me to come in for another HCG and urine pregnancy test. They told me that most likely I was miscarrying and that I would probably need to do another blood test in 48 hours.
My HCG on 12/24 was 26,334 and the doctor decided to skip the 48 hour tests since it was so high.
I continued spotting on 12/25 but wasn't passing any clots. I figured it would taper off. But the morning of 12/26 I was saturated in blood. They were able to fit me in at 11am at the OBGYN urgent care. At first glance the doctor saw quite a bit of tissue. He wanted to determine that it wasn't an entopic pregnancy so he did a transvaginal ultrasound. To our surprise he found a heartbeat. A small slow heartbeat ❤️.
But I also have a giant clot next to the sac which could hemmorage if I don't pass it correctly. I was shocked to find out I was carrying twins and miscarried one. I have a follow-up ultrasound next Wednesday. The baby is hanging on by a thread and the doctor told me all we can do is wait. The said it's good news but time will tell.