Daniela A.
Daniela A.
Feeling heartbroken about the fact I’m going back to work next month. It’s only part time (I requested two days/week but boss pushed for three or id lose the job), but I truly don’t want to be away from my baby boy 😢 sigh....

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I was the same way, and when I went back to work 5 days a week I was having such bad separation anxiety. I wanted to go to 2 days a week but my boss was the same and we agreed on 3, honestly Its been great I get 3 days of adult interaction that isnt my partner (love him to death) and then spend 4 days at home with my boy.
As hard as it's going to be leaving your little guy, everything will balance its self out and you will be grateful that you get that 4 days at home with him.
You got this mama.
27.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
Ugh I’m so glad you shared this with me. I literally sobbed my eyes out today because I just don’t feel ready. I’m hoping I can eventually cut down to twice a week. I’m trying to see the bRight side of it - adult interaction, routine, etc. But he’s little only for so long and I feel like I’m missing out 😭
30.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
@carusod91 that was exactly how I felt, and i didn't feel right having someone else raising my child (my two older boys are in school and there dad picks them up after school so i dont worry about that).but my sister in law watches my youngest and it's great but she definatly doesnt have the same views I do as all parents/people parent different... it took me a good half a year to get used to leaving my son when I left him with my sister in law.
It will definitely be hard for you at the beginning and ya you will cry and have panic attacks at times, and ya it's going to suck not being with your little 24/7 but it will be okay, just ask the day home/ day care for photos or if you can call every few hrs to check up on him, just for your peace of mind.
Maybe ask your boss for shorter hour days as well, but I understand only wanting to work 2days a week
30.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
Going back is incredibly difficult. Do you have some sort of care lined up? Wishing you the best with your transition!
27.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
My mom will be watching him! So that helps a ton!
30.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
I can't wait to go back to work I still got like 2 months though
27.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
That’s understandable. Some moms need space and routine and interactions !
30.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
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