I remember those days. 😅😅 I was induced at 40+3 since I’d been measuring 3 weeks ahead for a while but I had absolutely no signs. My cervix was still firmly closed.
With our first I didnt have any signs. It was a nice relaxing day. We were playing with our nieces and nephews in the yard. Hubby went to work at 6. I was getting ready for bed and hungry so I touched the fridge to get some food and my water broke. I wasnt even sure it was my water. There was so little and it didnt continue to leak. The doctors office told me to head into the hospital to have it checked and the triage nurse was convinced I would be going home. She was actually pretty snotty about it like I was wasting their time. It was in fact my water and I was having contractions I could not feel. Just under 16 hours later little man was in my arms. 💙