So I tried giving the lil man a little cereal in his last bottle hoping it would help keep him full and maybe stop some of the spitting up and dreaming it would help him sleep. Well 4 hours after his last bottle he's still asleep and has been for 2.5 hours straight, that's a huge improvement, I should have layed down too but didn't think he would sleep long, damn am I kicking myself in the ass now!!!!!! 🤦🏻‍♀️

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Solids are anything beyond breastmilk or formula. This includes: cereals, juices, purée, etc.

Not only is 6 months an important milestone, but there are also other factors that should ALL be met before introducing: sitting unsupported, loss of tongue thrust, pincher grasp are huge. These ensure your baby isn’t at risk for, amongst other things, choking. Baby being interested is very low on that list. Babies are curious, babies mimic- this does not mean they are ready to eat.

Feeding solids too soon puts your child at risk for long term gut damage, obesity, diabetes, poor eating habits, chrons, IBS, celiacs, food allergies and more.

Also- remember, just because your baby has the ability to eat foods, they do not have the digestive enzymes to break down and process the nutrients. They will just eliminate them as waste and not get what they need. They need breastmilk and/or formula until 1 because of this.

“Well I fed mine at x age and they are fine”: you don’t know this unfortunately. These things aren’t seen until late teens and early adulthood. Will some kids be fine? Yes. Is it worth the risk? No. Once you know, it’s too late.

“My Pedi said so”: most pediatricians are not up to date on infant nutrition. The WHO and AAP say 6 months, if your pedi goes against that question WHY they’d go against the recommendation and research of their peers.

“My baby is hungry”: be sure you’re pace feeding. It should take 5 mins per ounce when done properly. This is because you don’t want to stretch their bellies and it also takes time for their hormones to trigger a “full” feeling. Then— feed baby more formula or breastmilk.

“My baby is advanced”: sure. We all think that. However, they can’t turn 6 months early. And for preemie mamas- this means 6 months adjusted.

“My baby has reflux”: cereal for reflux is an outdated treatment. It should be used as a last resort after all other options have been exhausted and all testing has been completed. And for those who argue there’s formula with cereal- no that’s rice starch not cereal. That’s a topping for later though.

Don’t believe me? Here are some links (including Canada and the WHO since location is sometimes brought up as an argument)





20.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
👏👏👏 Wish I could like this 100,000,000 times!!!
20.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
20.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
I would be 100% seeking a second opinion. That is really bad advice to he giving you, and is detrimental to bubby's health. Under no circumstance should a 2 month old be having rice cereal, especially to sleep longer? My son was put on solids at 4 months to help with chronic constipation and it took a team of doctors at the hospital to make that decision and still it was as a last resort after trying other options first. There are formula's designed for spit up. Rice cereal should not be an option at all for a baby that young! No one here has bashed you, we're informing you with medically based knowledge. I would not be taking my child to a pediatrician who is giving such irresponsible advice.
20.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
It's been discussed with his pediatrician at length, I initially was hesitant to give it to him but I trust his pediatrician. If you all read the post again it doesn't say I gave it to him for the sole purpose of him sleeping!!!!! It was a pure hope of mine!!!!!!!!!!! I would never do anything to put my son in any sort of danger!!!! It was recommended by his Dr bc he has tried different formulas along with the medicine for his acid reflux, along with the amount of cereal in the bottle was not nearly enough to even change the consistency of the formula. I understand you all are concerned and it is appreciated, but before bashing me as a mother please ask and know all of the facts.
20.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
Not to mention all the arsenic in rice cereal...
20.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
No solids before 4 months under any circumstance. Not only are you risking a choking hazard, but your jeopardizing long term gut health for baby. 6 months is recommended age for solids and no earlier than 4 months. There is medical and scientific evidence to back this recommendation up.
20.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
2m is too young for cereal in a bottle... I'll be honest I put cereal in my first sons bottles as well but he was 4m, couldn't keep plain formula down, and his doctor said it was ok. Babies are supposed to feed constantly at that age and they don't sleep as much as you'd like them to but that's the way it is until they are ready... At 2m your baby is not ready
20.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
I understand all that you say, completely. But again, this was all discussed with his pediatrician.
20.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
You’re aware of the pros and cons of feeding a 2m old cereal in a bottle and you’re still choosing to do so??
20.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
seriously😳 that’s the most bogus thing I’ve heard!!
20.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
You're very aware it's a choking hazard and you're risking your child's life (not to mention long term gut health) but you getting sleep is more important 👍🏼
20.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
No sleep isn't more important Thank you very much!!!!! Re read the post, it was a pure dream of mine that he would be able to get some relief and be able to sleep. He doesn't sleep well and is fussy because of it. This has all been discussed with his pediatrician at length, so please before you jump to conclusions and decide to bash me please know all the facts. 👌
20.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
I'm very aware of the pros and cons of cereal, thank you for the concern
20.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
Choking is a very serious con. Please look into it more because if you were really that aware you wouldn’t have risked doing it.
20.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
I know you want your little one to sleep but please don’t put cereal in your baby’s bottle! It is a choking hazard! Your child’s well being is so much more important than your own sleep.
20.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
I think 2 months is a little young for rice cereal, if hes still hungry after a bottle or if your bf just let him feed. Formula or bm is their primary source of nutrition.
20.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
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