Kind of in my feelings today though I am excited about this new blessing and so is my SO all anyone else has to say is negative and its upsetting to be told by someone that our relationship wont survive pregnancy and a new baby 💔
Girl everyone told me the same thing. We were married a year when we got pregnant. Plus I was only 19 & he was only 21. We were young & newly married. Two years later and we are actually happier than ever before. Our marriage is still going strong & we both love our baby girl more than anything in the world!!! Don't listen to people's negativity Hun ♥️
@brantleesmommy we dated for 3 years prior. I thought everyone would be excited for us. No one really was though. All anyone had to say was negativity. We were trying to get pregnant but I was told I wasn't fertile. So we were shocked when we found out. Congratulations to you guys! Y'all will make it through all of this ♥️I've learnt people are just jealous 😂