**RANT** Normally i do not allow things to bother me but this i must get off of my chest i shared a photo on fb of one time when my 2 year old got into a tub of desitin because she woke up early and i was asleep & didnt hear her on the baby monitor i posted it as a funny reply about having kids and then this lady proceeded to bash me for not watching my child even after i explained what happen she then proceeded to make a statement about how i shouldn't have kids because this 1 photo proves im "unfit" this struck a real nerve tonight i have 2 children my 2 year is the smartest sweetest and most kind child I've ever met my kids need for nothing ever!!! And my son who is 1 was diagnosed with epilepsy at 2 months which has greatly stalled his development I've seen every doctor in the area ive paid out of pocket for test i have physical therapist, special education teacher, feeding/speech therapist and occupational therapist in my house every single day of the week to try and help him i go above and beyond but i am human and i am tired and it is cruel for people to get online and bash mothers without knowing the struggles that occur behind closed doors so sorry i just needed to say ppl should be nicer! It's not hard to be a good person!