@jewlmama, sounds like it would be a good time to start now or very soon. I don’t think there is every a “perfect” time. Do you think there is any way to convince him or is his mind set?
Well I’m in nursing school. I finish in about 5 weeks and then will take the boards and start work. He wants to wait until I’ve got a year experience at a hospital so I can have family leave, which I understand. However he will be home with the baby anyways since he’s retired from the military, working on his bachelors degree. I also have a guaranteed job working home health with a little girl. So I can still have an income while pregnant, after delivering. I 1)want to have the baby before he re-enters the workforce to avoid daycare
2) don’t want my kids more than 3 years apart each
3) we plan on moving states in a year or two to do travel nursing, and I want to have the baby in my home state where my family and doctor who delivered my first 2 is.
Sorry this is long 😂 I’m strongly for trying right now.