My mom needs to the our furnace checked before we can turn the heat on. It's literally freezing. My husband and I have a small heater in our room with our son but that thing has only been good for heating the bathroom up when we give Jonathan a bath. My son also wouldn't let me layer him up before bed because he's not done with summer and acts like the world is ending whenever I put a jacket on him.
This kid has been able to escape both his great grandma's swaddles since the beginning and he never really keeps his blankets on while he's sleeping.
So here I am, a frozen mama in so many layers that if I had to strip completely it would take 15min, staying up tonight completely unplanned so I can check on him and cover him back up.
Dang it, that's freezing. What I do with layering is I put a long sleeve onsie on and a pants (0-3m), that has the feet piece as well, then put a bodysuit on (3-6m). Other times i put a onsie on (0-3m), then a long sleeve onsie (3-6m) and socks then a pants with the feet cover ups. Not sure if you understand what I'm saying... Let me know!