Genna Levi
No judgement please but I really don’t want to breastfeed for the simple reason is I’m selfish and would really like to drink at Christmas but I was wondering what the least amount of time I can breastfeed for baby to still get some goodness? Or is it worse if I start then change over to formula? Also will it take longer to dry up if I start then stop? So many questions as I literally know no one who breastfeeds😂
5.5 лет

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@emily.m, no need to beat it round the bush i want the biggest glass of wine with my Christmas dinner that I can find🤣 and the rest bcs I do love a drink🤤🤣

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@xggx No harm in it honestly :) its totally up to you :) I breast fed 2.5 years. Once i stopped. With the help of cabbage leaves i dried up in a week :) so doesnt matter how long you feed for.. you can always dry up quickly if you choose to stop xx

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@winterbaby95, well do me you! My boy refused me from 15-16m I was not ready for it 😢 now he pretends and shakes his head pushing my boobs away 😂

I would say feed as long as you can

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I just feel like I’ll regret it if I don’t even try? I might just do a week and see how it goes so she atleast has that good stuff yano😂

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@emily.m, no need to beat it round the bush i want the biggest glass of wine with my Christmas dinner that I can find🤣 and the rest bcs I do love a drink🤤🤣

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I love how honest you are 😂😂

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Its up to you how long you do it...i did it 2.5 years lol xc

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Even a few days breast feeding is better than none :) first milk the colostrum is where lots of the goodness is. If the only reason you dont want to breast feed is because you want to drink...then i say go ahead with it. Because you can still breast feed and drink... Go on a breast feeding group and they can advise you on it :) I dont drink anyway...but i chose not to drink something alcoholic until i had stopped breast feeding...I had my first cocktail a month ago xx

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You can still breast feed and drink :) just lots choose not too :) xx

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You can mix feed so if you wanted to drink you can give baby formula xx

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I done a week x

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I think if you start it may take abit longer yo dry up. Depends how long you do it for.
Not sure about alcohol
I told the Health visitor I was planning to formula feed and she said that's fine but to just bare in mind and give it some thought that even just bf to give colostrum is good for baby and then stop

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