Jalissa Kay
Jalissa Kay
So I’ve been commenting a lot but haven’t posted. Now I need some input.
Did any of you ladies have any symptoms prior to missed period? For example, the past few days I’ve been experiencing this lower abdominal dull aches(Not agonizing pains), nausea, and backaches. I’d hypothetically be “3 weeks” pregnant before AF within the next week.
EDIT: I don’t usually have these symptoms prior/during AF. When I do have cramps, it’s usually pretty strong, unlike the current “aches”.

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I had painful heavy boobs about a week prior to my bfp but thought it was my period being due x
10.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
@lovelily, I feeeel for your pains at the time. I remember those with my first pregnancy further along and I was miserable. Just putting on a bra was hell!
@humblyheretoserve, Congratulations!!! Glad to know I’m not alone! I wanted to go buy a test TONIGHT but I left my wallet at home 😂 Guess that was my sign to wait it out!
10.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
THIS! Me too. Went through the same thing. Now I have breast soreness too. Hurts when LO nursed (it never hurt before). I took a pregnancy test & positive. Especially those backaches...that’s what made me go get checked. (It wasn’t agonizing but I had a positive pregnancy test & didn’t want to tough through the pain in case something was really wrong). I’m 4wks pregnant.
10.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
I had nipple pain. Sharp stabbing nipple pain. No cramps.
10.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
@lissakay thank you and no problem
10.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
@kiarakelly16, Thank you for commenting! Congrats btw!!
10.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
Yup. I had lower abdominal aches as well which was weird because I've never had that pain before. My breasts were hurting but that was normal. But at night I couldn't get comfortable and had to eat something big to go back to sleep. That next morning I took a pregnancy test it read positive. Went to the doctor the next day and found out I was 6 weeks 1 day pregnant. At that time I had only been 9 days late. Which also wasn't something I worried about because I've been as much as 3 weeks late before. But those stomach pains is what really got me and made me know that I was pregnant this time
10.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
@olivbee, I was thinking very similar thoughts, however I’ve never had these symptoms prior or during AF. My cramps and the dull ache feel completely different. My cramps hate me lol
10.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
I had basically all of the same signs I would have expected from my period. Slight cramps, minor breakout, headaches, etc
10.10.2018 Нравится Ответить
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