I'm just curious: How many of you think things would be easier if you let your man do more "mommy stuff", instead of doing so much yourself because you think everything needs to be perfect?
I can be very anal when it comes to the way I like things. I’ve tried to work on it. Things don’t have to be done the way I think. There are different ways to accomplish the same thing and that’s okay. My husband is very sweet. He’s taken a beating over the years because he does thing different then I do. When it comes to our son I’ll tell him they way I would do, fill in the blank, because it would be easier. Luckily we’ve worked together with this issue and everything.
It is much easier! Yes he doesn't do things right sometimes, sometimes it's out of laziness and sometimes I just have to show him. He changes diapers, gives baby bath, unloads dishwasher, trash, sweep, his own laundry and just things I need help with. The other day he folded the towels and put them away, it looked like a 3yo put them away and stuff like that I have to say something lol
It is so much easier....trust me! I ran into serious health issues 2 yrs ago, right after we had our last child. It literally stopped me in my tracks and I can not physically do the things I used to. My husband has always helped around the house and helped take care of the children, but now he's really doing almost all of it. I assure you that men are very capable!
My sister is constantly complaining that her husband doesn't help out. But what she doesn't realize or want to see is that he tries to help and she complains about the way he does EVERYTHING! Who wants to help someone that complains about everything they've done, saying it's not good enough or it's wrong? I sure wouldn't.
My husband doesn't do everything the way I would but that's okay, bc he's not me. And I appreciate everything he does for me & our kids.
To be honest I feel a little insecure about needing his help. Sometimes I feel like bc he can do it all, he doesn't really need me. Maybe that's the real reason we have so much trouble stepping back. I like to feel needed. 🤔
This is interesting! I had a convo with my friends about this last month that I am sure I enabled my SO to not do as much because I am always jumping in to help/clean/cook/bathe etc and never gave him the chance to actually do what I do cause it's not to my specifications. My SO is now a stay at home dad and is surprisingly doing a great job @gothamsmama