Tiffany Cruz
Tiffany Cruz
The good news: 38 weeks, 4 days today. Just got back from the dr. I was 2cm and -1. Cervix still kinda long, but in good position for how far along I am. Due to my BP being high the last few appointments, I was given the option to start pitocin tomorrow morning (hate that stuff!), but decided to have my membranes stripped and see if I can go naturally over the weekend. So, either way it seems I will be meeting baby boy soon!
The bad news: my in-laws are out of town (like FAR away), my daughter doesn’t have school Friday (or the weekend) and my best friend who was supposed to be in the room with my husband during delivery won’t be able to make it since her husband is out of town and she has 3 kids at home and her in-laws are out of the country, so they can’t keep her kids. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I have no idea what we are going to do! 😬

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