I posted this on my Facebook with this caption:
"Yes! Seriously all family and friends that mention his binx or try to lecture me about it please just stop. It may be a pet peeve to you but it's not to him or me. His binx is not making him refuse to eat, drink, or talk so just leave it alone."
My mother has to complain about it all the time and it's really getting old (we live with her), my Gram who has no volume control yells at me all the time for it too (we all live together, my house is the real life Full House). And my mother in law is the queen of casual insults, my fiance always says 'she didn't mean it like that', always feels the need to say he can't talk with it in and proceeds to take it out and hold him for like 5 minutes telling him to talk to her. I'm so sick of it I could scream but I aways bite my tongue and just say 'leave it alone' or 'he's fine'.
People need to remember as his mother I have the right to say "MY KID, MY RULES".