Im almost through my second trimester with my second baby. And I'm so scared, nervous, depressed. My husband past away September 2nd. He wanted more than anything to be able to see this baby be born. Idk if I can do this without him. I did it with my first. He got to the hospital 30 minutes after he was born. But this time I was already planning on him being there. I wanted him there. And now it's not even an option. How do I move on from this? How do I get through this? It's almost been a month and I still feel so empty. I should be excited for this baby and I feel horrible because I'm not anymore.
I’m so sorry hunny. I can’t give you any advice because I know nothing will take away the pray. Just remember you have two very important little ones who love and need their momma. ❤️❤️❤️
26.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
Oh sweetheart you are in mourning..I can only imagine the pain you feel. He will be there but he will be there in spirit to be with you and baby. And love you take it min by min. If you need to talk you can inbox me or I can give you my number.. my deepest condolence...
If you want you can send me some pictures and I can work on some collages for you and you could transfer those pictures onto a blanket for your newborn baby and for your other child. or if someone has a voice message of his you could transfer that voice message into a teddy bear also for children so they can hear their daddy's voice.
Prayer mama. Prayer. Leave it in God's hands and know He will guide you through your most troubles times. Even in the midst of our most tragic times we can find joy. I'm so sorry for your lost and pray for a healthy delivery for you and baby. I wish there were words of comfort I could say to help you feel better but only with time will the healing come. God bless you and keep you, today and always in ALL ways. May your children be your strength and motivation and may God give you the perseverance needed to overcome your grief. Hugs and prayers mama!!!