@mommy.2girls no it wasn't a plan it just happened lol & yes girl they fight the tantrums & attitudes are real! Lol they fight about toys but they also share really well with each other. I am so happy I had them back to back it's so beautiful my yougest really looks up to her sister so much. She copies her big sister she even talk so much shes a little parrot. 😊
@nikolrae12, mine are 11 & 1/2 months apart. Were you planning on having them that close in age? Do they fight a lot? I worry mine will fight over toys once they get a little older lol
My daughter was 4 months old when I found out I was pregnant again. My girls are now 1 & 2. They are best of friends. They have a beautiful bond. Some days are difficult but the good times out weigh the bad. Everything will fall into place for you, it will be hard but so worth it in the end. Congratulations mama you got this!!💕
Oh yikes! Those are close ages! But I have to say I’m a little jealous because I always wanted kids that close but I was never brave enough to do it. It’ll definitely be hard, no sugar coating it, but it’ll be amazing to watch their bond! Congratulations!
My son was 5 months old when I found out I was pregnant again at first I was scared but it just took some time to get used to. Now they’re 4 and almost 3 best for fiends
My daughter is 8 months and I'm 7 weeks pregnant and found out almost 2 weeks ago. I still have mixed feelings. worry about everything and having 2 kids under the age of 2