Judith Flores
Judith Flores
I worry about going into labor with this baby. With my 2nd son, I didn't even know I was in active labor. I went in for my 38 week Dr. appointment and he checked me. He asked if I felt the contractions and I told him I felt just the Braxton hicks ones. Turned out that I was already 6 cm dialated and he sent me to the hospital. Now with this one, I have been having a good amount of contractions but they just don't feel strong. But I do have a lower back pain that runs down my right leg. A part of me wants to go in just in case but another part of me says to wait until my appointment on Monday. I still don't even have everything ready for my baby!

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You should go in, if that’s how the last felt. I’m a bit nervous as well. I was induced with my last, but didn’t feel any contractions until my water broke and I had her 2 hrs later. I’m afraid I won’t recognize the signs if I’m not in pain.
23.09.2018 Нравится Ответить
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