Clara Rae
I feel so bad for my cousin she has been trying to lose weight for the past 3 years cause her husband said he’s not happy with her because of her body and she’s not even huge she’s actually really beautiful but she loves him so much she wants to make him happy... how could you love somebody if your not happy with them cause of what they look like you should love them regardless
5.6 лет

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Boy bye! He better be perfect?!? I see if he said he’s concerned about her health? That’s a valid reason to show concern about someone’s weight....

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That’s what I’m saying he isn’t even that good looking and her health is good he wants her to look how she was when they met 10 years ago in high school 🙄

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Boy bye! He better be perfect?!? I see if he said he’s concerned about her health? That’s a valid reason to show concern about someone’s weight....

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