So i am due in October, but i still dont really 'look' pregnant. I mean its there if you look hard enough. But i look pretty much the same. Im not heavy set etc, so i thought i would show more.
Some women temp to carry their baby on their back. I came across a girl who was 8months pregnant with a flat tummy. Only showed a little bump when she would lay.
@cookiej700 I am also 34 weeks. I brought this to my doctor because I dont look much pregnant either. Baby is measuring according and no concerns. My husband keeps pointing out that this belly Is definitely smaller than the first. I can feel her roll and move all the time. They told me as long as she's moving everything should be ok. They did mention it could be multiple things... baby being smaller or even having less amniotic fluid. Don't worry too much. I did notice getting bigger this week as I approach my 35 weeks. Pregnancy can be so unpredictable. Good luck mama.