So I'm freaking out!!!! I am way over weight right now I'm about 217 and i found out I'm bearly going to be 8 weeks pregnant. So getting on a diet and working out is kind of hard. What can I do to not gain so much weight during this pregnancy?
It's so hard for me to go for a walk or any type of thing outside. I ha e 4 kids already 2 small ones. So healthier eating is going to have to be my number one priority. I was thinking about getting a treadmill and walk on it since it's so hard to try and go out for a walk
I'm right there with you girl!!
I actually been losing weight but I walk 4 days a week taking the boys to school and 20 minutes One Way 20 minutes back the doctor doesn't want me to gain weight since I'm considered overweight he said the most 10 to 15 pounds this pregnancy
And with the nausea that I constantly have I eat little by little
so I'm not trying to starve myself but I just get so sick the doctor did prescribe me nausea pills but I hate medications