I’ve dated someone with bad addiction it’s not easy and it’s certainly not good for your own mental health she’s not responsible for his choices he was using while they were together so this could have happened then as well
“Why not be a true girlfriend and help him get through it?” Damn, don’t they know love can only go so far? At some point, it becomes enabling the addiction. Arianna did what she had to for her own well-being. These people are being ridiculous! I hope she doesn’t take this crap to heart.
Anyone who is shaming her for his death obviously has never had to deal with their lover always being far too gone to know who they really are. And if an addict doesn’t want help, they won’t accept it. She did what she could, when she could.
It's bs honestly and I feel so bad for her. She didn't force him to OD. He made that choice himself. People need to understand she shouldn't have to stay in a relationship to "save" someone.