Rachael Mei
Moms...any of you have experience with a baby with colic? How did you know it was colic? What did you do?
I'm thinking my baby has it but my pediatrician has blown me off when I describe what our day to day is like. She never even mentioned colic. I did research and my daughter meets all the signs. Help!
5.6 лет

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@scruffy.nerf.herder thank you!! I've tried some of these and they help a bit. I will try some of the others as well!

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@scruffy.nerf.herder thank you!! I've tried some of these and they help a bit. I will try some of the others as well!

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@tiera_shaye okay thank you!! I will look into that for sure!

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My son would cry for hours, like pissed off in pain crying. Some things I tried with varying degrees of success:
-Vibrating bouncy chair
-Swing with mobile
-Pacing back & forth with him while making Shhhhh sound
-White noise like vacuum, blow dryer, range hood
-Go for rides in the car
-Bicycling his legs while laying on his back
-Warmth on tummy - we used a small rice pack, but you could warm up a towel in the dryer and lay on tummy
-Gas drops & Mothers Bliss drops

Good luck momma! I know it can be hard!

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If you google them they have a short video on their website that’s shows how they work.

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I have to do them when I notice it pick back up. Sounds a lot like my little guy. He is fusses so much in his sleep and I change so many poop diapers but it’s never a bunch of poop. Just a little here and there. He grunts soooooo much too. He nurses almost every 1.5-2.5 hours even if it’s just a few minutes.

But after I use them he is content and actually sleeps and doesn’t fuss. I have just gotten them so I have only used them 3x but I swear by them.

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@tiera_shaye does he cry at all now? My daughter will literally cry for hours on end. And she cant sleep. Shes fussy in her sleep and wakes herself and starts crying. She will be awake for hours on end crying and wanting to nurse to soothe herself. And she will have back to back bowels. Even right now I have her asleep and she just let out a cry in her sleep and is wiggling around grunting. She just seems miserable constantly. She cant be just alert awake. If shes awake then shes fussy

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I recently suspected it in our son. He was so unhappy and just cried and cried all day especially when pressure was put on his belly. So I had my husband get some Windi’s by baby Frieda and it worked immediately.

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