Had my little man today! 7lbs 6oz of pure joy :)
I was induced at 1:00 am due to high blood pressure and history of HELLP with my daughter. They used cervidal... Around 8 this morning my nurse checked and it had fallen out of place so she had to push it back in. By 10:00 I was having consistent contractions that were tolerable. By 11:30 the contractions were coming more frequently and the pain was awful...However, I was still only 1cm dilated. By 12:30 I couldn't take it anymore and told them I needed to push. She checked me and I was only at 3 cm. By 1:00 I was at 5-6 cm and by 1:30 I had my baby... The doctor didn't have time to get to the hospital because I had progressed so quickly. I'm proud to say I was able to make it without and epidural. Even if I wanted one I wouldn't have had time to get one with how fast he came. So glad to finally have my sweet, healthy boy :)