Hi ladies,
I want to get some advice. With my first I was diagnosed with HELLP and induced at 38 1/2 weeks.

At my last appointment my doctor said my platelets were low but I don't have any other symptoms. My urine has been fine, liver enzymes fine, etc. However, my blood pressure has been on the high side. I called my doctor Sunday because my BP had gone up to 143/90s. He did not seem concerned at all. The last several times I've monitored my blood pressure it has ranged from 130s-150s/80s-90s. It keeps fluctuating and I'm not sure if I should just wait till my appt on Thursday or call.

Here are the last 3 numbers: It was 154/88, then 144/84, then 130/94

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@kimberlyyyy_the-preemie-mom That's what I've been contemplating. I'll check my BP again when I get home and then call l&d afterward. Thank you :)
29.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
Probably wouldn’t hurt to call in to your local labor and delivery department and ask just to be sure. Especially if your headache isn’t going away and you keep have “higher” blood pressure readings.
29.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@kimberlyyyy_the-preemie-mom I've felt nauseated a few times here and there but it comes and goes fairly quickly. I do get heartburn but nothing out of the norm... I had a headache this morning that took a few hours to go away with tylenol and have another headache at the moment.
29.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
How have you been feeling? No “heartburn” (liver pain), no seeing spots, feeling nauseated?
29.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@kimberlyyyy_the-preemie-mom No, my doctor has been really good about monitoring me throughout my pregnancy because he was concerned since I have the history. However, he doesn't seem worried at this point. I'm on weekly visits now since I'm at 38 +4
29.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
Do they have you coming in more often? I would assume so. HELLP is no joke.
29.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
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