@mojobebe she changed my eye colour I think they're normally really blue or sometimes go green. Lol I just noticed that. They look kinda hazel 🤣 and yeah I should but I'm so snobby lol I used to have Facebook but got over knowing everyone's business and vise versa
@phoebesmommy, that says more about them than it would you. If they steal my pics for that shit I won’t be all that bothered because they’re obviously miserable with themselves and I just feel sorry for them.
@phoebesmommy I don't care what they say about me, it would be nothing I don't already think about myself anyway! 😂 Dh wants me amd tells me otherwise and his is the only opinion that matters. Don't worry about what anyone else thinks! Your gorgeous anyway ❤
@mommynes 😂😂😂 awww makin me blush lol I was telling my sis about the post and she told me I'm lame and behind the times so she would edit my pic for me! Lmao Not a bad job! I saw your sexy ass one just before you pulled it down. I feel privileged to have seen thy fine self 😍
@phoebesmommy, I’m always a hot mess! No excuses. Look at @mamagunn.no.1, gorg ass posted one and she doesn’t even have snap! That’s dedication right there.