@inkedsouthernbelle "I hope genital mutilation becomes a thing of the past..." This is the comment I was referring to. I apologize if I misunderstood your intention behind it.
@yayacarrington, 😂 calm down there missy. Don’t get your panties in a twist!!! I’m quit capable of having a discussion without putting you down but I can’t help if I offend you. That’s your problem. I didn’t say you mutilated your son or I mutilated my son I said it’s seen that way in other countries by families and medical professionals. This is a discussion that’s gone ugly and you’re turning it into some kind of personal attack which I’m not doing so I’m done.
@inkedsouthernbelle We chose not to circumcise our first son. It was the wrong choice because it ended up being medically necessary for him at 4 months old. I have done the the research on both newborn and later circumcisions. I have spoken to specialists and pediatricians. IF it is going to be done for non-medical reasons it should be done at birth. There are far less risks when done at birth than when it's done later on. We chose to circumcise our two younger boys at birth because we did not want to risk having to go through another medically necessary circumcision. It's offensive and honestly ignorant of you to tell me that I mutilated my boys. I weighed the pros and cons after being as fully informed as I could be, and we chose to circumcise at birth. I am not saying that everyone should do that. There are risks to it. In the beginning it was never something I even wanted to consider, which is why we didn't originally circumcise our firstborn. But it should always be an option available since doing it later on is far more dangerous and complicated.
@yayacarrington, I can be honest and say I’m not a doctor and I don’t know everything but I do know this procedure is more cosmetic than anything, considered to be less and less necessary by families and people in the medical field and it’s extremely painful for any and all babies this is done to. Other countries see this as genital mutilation just like in other areas where people cut girls clits off. I’m not trying to sound like a hypocrite because we circumcised our son but we did it in a more humane way and the more and more I learn and research about circumcision the more I realize how the cons outweigh the pros. Men all over the world are living healthy, clean lives circumcision free while more and more other men are facing difficulties from botched circumcisions. I hope genital mutilation becomes a thing of the past or we find a better way to do this other than the Barbaric way it’s being performed now. Witness it for yourself and you’ll understand. Nothing cosmetic that’s that painful should be considered necessary
@inkedsouthernbelle Her son's recovery is not the norm for an older child being circumcised. Please, please do more research before you suggest that other parents wait. It is NOT more humane to wait until the child is older. Like I said earlier, there are fewer nerve endings at birth and there is a lot less blood flow to that area. If the procedure is going to be done for any reason other than medical, it should be done at birth.
@yayacarrington, I haven’t done much research on later surgeries but definitely will because after doing my research on infant circumcision I was so upset. It’s gut wrenching this is still the standard practice to remove the foreskin and i know doctors try to say it’s necessary and not painful but it is extremely painful. You can clearly see that in the videos. I myself could never stomach seeing this being done to my son which is why I chose not to but to circumcise another way. The better of the two evils I guess you could say. If anyone is thinking of circumcising their child I highly recommend the ring method and being present during the procedure. I’m looking more into doing it later based on countless parents stories of successful stories like @aileen_west, above. I think it’s just more humane and less traumatizing than the way we’ve grown accustomed to but that’s left so many infants in extreme pain, bleeding out, deformed and disfigured. There are too many horror stories and I just don’t think my sons penis should be an issue on day 1 and it’s best to wait but like I keep saying, that’s only because I’ve seen with my own eyes the procedure and it’s horrifying
@aymee_ Your brother should take him to a pediatric urologist before he makes any decisions about it. I would not subject my child to it at that age unless it was absolutely medically necessary.
@inkedsouthernbelle Having been through both the newborn procedure and the later surgery with my boys, it is a much more serious surgery if you wait. There is no reason to wait until a child is older, unless it is a medical necessity.
@aymee_, it is definitely a different process for a boy with and without foreskin. It’s becoming more and more cosmetic and less about hygiene because children with foreskin are capable of living clean, healthy lives as long as they’re shown how to properly clean and care for the foreskin. Just like with anything else. Girls need to be taught hygiene, boys need to be taught hygiene and this just falls under one more thing for the boys to do but it’s not that bad considering they keep the sensitivity to their penises for later life and they don’t have to go through that traumatic pain soon after birth. I watched a few seconds of a couple of videos on circumcision and I was horrified. That’s why I chose to do the O ring route but now if I have another son, after learning more and more about the painful, unnecessary process of circumcision, I’m considering waiting until my child is older as well and won’t have to be tortured on a medieval style table at 1 day old, bleeding out and potentially passing out from the pain. I think if parents were actually in the room during the circumcision there’d be a whole lot less circumcision or more parents waiting to do it later in the boys life. I’m not knocking anyone for circumcising their child, I’m just saying waiting or not even doing it at all has become more popular and recommended more by medical professionals and parents alike
@inkedsouthernbelle, thank you my baby had it down at a few weeks after he was born but I am asking for my nephew that might be having an infection down there and my brother is looking into getting it done and he is 3 years old because it’s not his first time he has complained about pain.
@aymee_ Unfortunately it does. When a baby boy is first born there is very little blood flow to the foreskin since the nerves have not fully developed yet. That's why it is a relatively simple procedure at birth. After a few months, it becomes a surgery with full anesthesia and stitches. The healing process takes longer as well. Can I ask why you are asking about it? After the first few weeks, I would not do it unless it was medically necessary.
The more I look into it now the more I wish I’d waited until my son was older. We chose to go the o ring method way but if you’re debating it please just go watch some videos and they’ll help you decide real quick if you’re for it or against it or feel it should be done under anesthesia.