I leave it there and don't give em anything else, eventually they'll grab it, or most times I just give her from my plate cause she eats better when she's eating that way than on her own.
With meats we give her bbq or ketchup to dip it in, for vegetables there’s still a lot she won’t eat but we give it to her any way, but she loves fruit so she gets a lot of that. Also try mixing extra veggies in with stuff he will eat like spaghetti sauce, muffins, etc.
I had to start separating my sons meals on a cartoon character plate because I discovered he didn’t like his food touching. I also started to give him smaller portions. I also communicate with him ahead of time that it’s almost dinner time,lunch time, nap time, etc. Any snacks are out of sight. Try Hiding them in a cabinet where he will not see it.Also, kids want what they see you eating also(most of the time). Don’t eat unhealthy things in front of him if that’s something that you do. I hope this helps.
I always tried to get my daughter to help me with what she could. Even if it just a small part of helping with dinner, handing you something, it gives them "buy in" that they helped make it and my daughter was always much more prone to eating something she helped make.