My daughter just turned 2mo on Thursday, and clearly my boobs are making sure she'll never go hungry lol. (She starts daycare in October, so some of this will end up there. I also may donate some depending on how my supply adjusts when I go back to work.)
Just wanted to share my #PMM (proud mommy moment) regarding my milk stash.
@rina414 thanx love. And clusterfeeding is the worst. My daughter still does it on and off, but I try to stick to my pumping schedule. I'd say start small and try to pump at least 2 times a day
@ladya16, You’re a rock star. I started last Thursday and have been able to pump once a day since then. My baby is two weeks now and started cluster feeding 😫.
@rina414 I started in the hospital (per my lactation consultants instructions) but I didnt figure out a schedule that worked until she was about 3 weeks. It's hard to do, but now it's like clockwork for me, her, and my boobs lol
@rina414 I pump 3 times a day. Once in the early am (btwn 9-11am), once in the early afternoon/evening (btwn 2-4pm), and once late at night (10-11pm). Each time I do it btwn 15-20 minutes. And btwn my pumping I breastfeed her