Stephanie Tyler
Stephanie Tyler
Need advice. I miscarried on June 18 and haven't had a cycle since, I've taken tests the past couple days with vvvfl the first few days and last night the line was obviously there, not super dark but you can for sure see it. My question is, how far along would I even be, how would I figure it out...

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I miscarried twins on June 18th and am now 5w5 pregnant. It was complicated because our tests had never gone negative. On July 24th our HCG had fallen below 5. That next Saturday we had a test which was darker. Our doctor had to run HCG to realize it was a new pregnancy. Your best to speak to your doctor and go for a HCG blood draw.
18.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
Just contact your dr and tell them. What they would do is have you come in for blood, usually a 48 hour blood draw to make sure your numbers are at least doubling like they should. Then depending on where your numbers are at, they will have get an ultrasound where they will measure baby that way.

Like for me I did the 48 hour, and they said my numbers still weren’t high enough, but doubling, so they had me get blood once more the following week, and then I was able to get the growth scan ultrasound.
18.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
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