@augustsmuva, awe isn’t crazy how big they are getting it’s like next month chris will be 6 months from turning 2 and it makes me so sad😭 we want to start trying for another one but I’m in school for medical assistant right now so idk if I should wait or not?
@jahniesha, oh nah , my husband is the opposite ! He works in the oil field so he’s gone for 2 weeks at a time & I had to wait until he was gone to sleep train August & when he’s home he’s always trynna get him to sleep in the bed with us ! Like DUDE , our kid is HUGE . Ain’t no room ! Lol .
@augustsmuva, girl my husband has been trying to get Chris out the room since he six months😂 so he was all for it he bought the bed and set it up and broke the crib down and rearrange his room all in one night and without my help
@augustsmuva, yeah we close the doors and then we have a gate in the Hallway that way he can’t go in the living room so at the begin he would come in our room In the middle of the night but now he’s sleeping all through the night
@jahniesha, I really like the idea of him being able to just go lay down . He sleeps with his door closed . So I think he would just get out of it & come to our room or with us in the living room. I think that’s mostly where my concern is
@augustsmuva, the first couple of night he would get out of it and walk to our room and then he got used to it now he does good when he’s ready for bed or a nap he goes in his room and gets in his beds and goes to sleep I feel like it was perfect for him because it gives him that sense of independence
@mlynm90, we coslept the first year and then I put him in his crib at 14m lol . Seems like the general consensus is between 1-2 . So I may transition him soon .
About 14 months, but we coslept. So we transitioned him to a mattress on the floor and then his bed a month or two later. For a few more months we let him come into our bed if he woke up and came into our room, but then we changed it to if he came into our room after 5am he could stay.
@dcjc_x2, I think I may give it a try! He sleeps through the night , so once he’s asleep I’m not concerned . Thank you! @leonardsquared, my baby is in the 97th percentile for everything. So he’s a big guy too. But I think we’ve got about a year left in it also . He’s also kind of a wild sleeper , so I guess we’ll just have to see! Thank you!
16.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
I put him in a twin at 11 months I’ve had zero issues he finally started sleeping good when we put him in a big boy bed
I think my son was like 1-1.5ish when we put his toddler bed up. It stayed for less than a year though. He's super tall for his age and a wild ass sleeper so there just wasn't enough room for him in a toddler bed. He'd get to floppin around and about the second flop would hit the floor. Luckily it was a toddler bed so it's only like a foot off the floor. He's had a queen size bed in his room since and he loves it!
@dcjc_x2, I know that’s right sis. Did he climb out a lot ? I have a feeling mine would . @masseymomma16, I think I may be doing that too ! It’s a convertible crib . So he won’t outgrow it for awhile . But he may attempt to escape !