Evelyn Nunez
Evelyn Nunez
So my sons dr asked me how many words he can say i told her like 8 or 9 and she said it was a little that kids his age can say like 20 or so she’s giving him 3 months if he doesn’t improve in talking she’s gonna send him to a specialist !! He’s a very talkative person well in gibberish lol but i try talking to him and repeating but he only repeats the words when he wants too !! Any tips on how to expand the vocabulary he’s a year and a half around there

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My daughter is the same just talks gibberish lol she'll be 2 in January
08.11.2018 Нравится Ответить
I wouldn't even beginnn to worry until 2yrs... My son turned 2 in April and doesn't say any words. He babbles constantly but isn't understood. Only now am is his doctor suggesting speech therapy. 8 or 9 words is REALLY good..
14.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
All I did was work with my son flash cards and books and would color also and say what everything is to the point my son became my teacher and I played student learning he is 5 now and doing well
14.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
My son is 20 months and only says ma 😏 hes in speech therapy. But i know hes smart and wants to say more but hes just doing so at his own pace. I wish i had tips i dont just know youre not alone.
14.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
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