It’s baby time!! I’m 4-5 cm dilated and having some intense back labor😭 please send some positivity and prayers my way I’m so nervous and excited!!! I can’t wait to meet my precious baby boy😭❤️
@thisisdwarren, @colorfuldreams, sorry ladies I was off my phone for a few but I finally got the epidural I’m 7 cm dilated and they just broke my water! Hopefully baby will show up soon ❤️
You got this !
Just breath the pain in then push it out slowly. Don’t let yourself feel rushed or overwhelmed and trust in your body knowing what to do when the time comes.
I might be joining you in the next day or 2 😂
First time moms 🙌🏻
You can do it Mama. Mind over matter I know it probably means nothing when the pain hits so intensely but remember you are strong and your little guy will be out soon. Try walking around if you haven't yet. I'm praying baby boy comes this week for me. Good luck, you have a whole team behind you❤️❤️❤️😘
You will be fine! Just remember to breathe during your contractions focus on something to breathe on like that lamp or chair to take your mind away from the pain ...