Deserae Farrell
Deserae Farrell
Anyone give baby rice cereal in formula at 2 months old ??!

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I did bc my son kept spitting uo so it was on the doctors reccomeneded papper. To try if all else failed. Fyi yoyr baby will chunck up quick . They say oatmeal without flavor for babies is better
09.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
If its for reflux try enfmail AR it has rice powder in the formula to make it thicker. If your wanting to do it to "keep baby fuller" inxrease by an ounce before bed
09.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
I wouldn’t unless medically necessary. My sons dr had him on rice cereal at 3 months because of reflux. But all it took was changing to a different formula to take his reflux away. So maybe try switching formulas first.
09.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
Enfamil A.R worked for my daughter.
09.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
Not sure what the guidelines are in U.S but here in Australia no solids should be given til 4-6 months. No earlier than 4 months and only then if a doctor or pediatrician has given you a reason to. Other than that 6 months. 3 pediatrician's and a head doctor at the hospital told me to start my son on puree's of fruit and veg to help him with not pooping. He wasn't constipated as his poop was normal when he would go, he just wasn't going for days and was in constant pain. It took a team of people to come to this decision and they didn't make it lightly and bub gets monitored by them once a fortnight now. I would not be giving my two month old solids under any circumstance though. It can mess up their digestive system for life. As others have said, if it's for reflux they have really good formula's to help with that. If it's because he seems hungry, increase the oz. you are feeding him.
09.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
The doctor put my daughter on the enfamil AR formula that has rice cereal made into it for acid reflux
09.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
If baby is fussy after a feeding, they may be eating an ounce or two more than what they started with at birth.
09.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
Only breastmilk or formula. rice cereal or any type of baby food in general shouldn’t be given until 6 months old and is a choking hazard. It Isn’t necessary at all until then.
09.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
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