Where do i start... i've experienced so many great things in this app 🤗.
My favorite experience here on mom.life is the support 💞 system that i recieve in here that i dont have in reality. Yes, i have friends👭 and family👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 but as we all know not everyone is always readily to tend you... especially not after midnight🕛. That's why my favorite experience is the support 💞 system. I can only recall all those late night⛼ rushes to the ER🏥 with noone to comfort me but the mommies in this App 😢😭. All those sleepless😴 nights of needing an immediate answer while Google is telling me I HAVE CANCER😣, and at the same time knowing i cant afford 💸 another ER visit... yeah those nights! It was the mommies 👸 in this App who would assure me security and answers and THEY WERE ALWAYS RIGHT😇! Thanks to everyone from mommy and baby bear.😂
5.7 лет

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