I never, ever reach out to people on the internet, but someone in my local mom group on Facebook said she needed a ride to the store to get her daughter formula (she needed to use her wic card) I didn't feel comfortable giving her a ride so messaged and offered to drop a can off. Before she even said thank you, sent a few messages asking if I have other things. Now is going on about how she has no money and needs food for her other kid and her and her boyfriend & stuff about clothes & making all these excuses. Lady, I haven't even gotten groceries in over 2 weeks & don't have a ton of extra money or things, just wanted to help out your 8 month old. I hope she legitimately needs these things and is just super bad about communication and acceptable ways to go about it. I'm still planning on dropping off formula when dd wakes up, but wish I never got myself into this lol. The one time I reach out to someone and this happens 😒😬. Tried to give her other resources and she just seems super entitled and not very thankful. The only somewhat thanks she sent was "I appreciate it" and about 20 other messages asking for more.

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@k.rose, nope he didn’t say anything, just decided to never help her out again. And yea she still works there
03.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@tacos4lyfe that is insane!! I would have been beyond angry. Did he say anything to her? I hope she doesn't still work there. Your dad sounds like a great guy and an amazing boss!
03.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
@tacos4lyfe 😱 what messed up priorities
03.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
some people are just entitled like that and think the world owes them and they don’t need to do anything for themselves. My dad gave an employee a free $1000 cash separate from her paycheck to pay her mortgage bc she has kids and said she was going to be foreclosed on if they missed another payment and she literally never said thank you and then took her family to Disney world the next month AND they still lost their house 🙄
03.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
Thank you guys! That's definitely my plan, she asked me to just leave it on a chair outside. If she keeps trying to message me I'll block her for sure. I just hope she really actually needs it. It sucks the one time I try to help it's sketchy.
03.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
People expect way too much sometimes.
03.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
Just drop off the formula and then ignore her, you don't owe her anything. You did your good deed. 👍
03.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
Oh wow. That's a shame. You're sweet for helping her out♡
03.08.2018 Нравится Ответить
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