Hey y’all. Haven’t been on here for a while 😔 my SO of 8 years with whom I have a toddler son and a baby girl with relapsed on heroin when my daughter was 2 months and then cheated multiple times. He basically kicked us to the curb one day and my parents were kind enough to take us in. We are so lucky because they gave us the addition they built onto their house for my dad’s mother in her final years. It has a kitchen, living area, bedroom, bathroom and loft. I feel blessed to be given this by my loving parents, but I can’t lie... it’s been rough. I thought the relapse was bad enough and then to hear he was sleeping with his coworkers... it broke my heart. So for the past 4 months I’ve been a single mother. He doesn’t come around often, but threatens to take the kids away from me all the time 🙄 (I know that would never happen). Ugh... I just keep wanting to write “I’m just sad” over and over again. But my children are beautiful. I just wish their dead beat dad would step up or just go away completely.
Ik I went thru the same shit and went back several times. But here’s the thing to remember if he’s still using then that’s his only focus. He’ll put it before u and the kids every time. Hes probably not a bad guy, my ex is actually a good person but when they r using u don’t get to see that person and they can be a danger to themselves and others. I let my kids dad keep coming back and forth in our lives and it caused a lot of damage, emotional, financial, property the whole deal. I’m glad now the kids have a relationship with their dad and that was important to me but if I could do it again I wouldn’t let him around until he was clean and could make a real effort to show the kids they were important and he loved them. That was just my experience and my thoughts, it’s different for everyone and it doesn’t change the fact that u still love them but take it from me u, ur kids and even ur man deserve better. U deserve a life without all that drama and hurt. I’m here either way if u need to talk. Just message me. Hang in there, it’ll get better!
You're doing a great job. You're children are beautiful and look so happy. I'm sorry you're going through, it's hard but it will get easier. You've got this! Stay strong for those babies
@aclegner, any advice on how to move forward and get over him? That is what I’m struggling with the hardest right now.... my brain tells me he’s horrible for me and the kids, but my heart still loves him 😞 I hate it
@briannalynn547, @rowdy-vajazzy, @mommy_x3, @tiffanyf, thank you guys so much. I know we are complete strangers, but it really does help just hearing that the pain will pass and I will get through it. Thank you for taking the time to help a fellow Mom out! And Tiffany I will definitely take you up on that! Since I’ve moved into my parents’.. it’s like I get love and support from them, but I have 0 friends here. So it’s nice to talk to mom’s who understand. I get stuck in my own head all the time which is not good!
I know it may not feel like it now , but things will get so much better . I’m truly so sorry you and your children have to go through this .. and it doesn’t matter what anybody says it won’t take the pain away .. if you ever feel like you need to vent or are feeling lonely you can message me !
I’m so sorry you’re going through this, but your babies are beautiful. Anytime your feeling down think of them, our babies are the ones who can get us through anything ❤️❤️