Kathleen Clark
Kathleen Clark
Hi mamas! I was just bored so I figured I would update. Nothing too exciting healthwise. Just starting to get worn out faster and you know the usual coughing up blood eww! 😬nothing too bad in all honesty.I was able to go with my babies and my brother to the zoo on Saturday. It was so much fun. I haven't been to the zoo with my nephew since he was dd's age and he 18 in September. So I made them take all the embarrassing pictures with his aunt. If looks could kill 🤣🤣🤣 I really love that little weirdo. But it was pretty much a waste to take Dd she just wanted The playground the whole time. Could care less about the animals unless it was a 🐍 but we had fun anyways. Ds thought it was fun. He definitely likes the elephants. Dd starts tumbling next month! She's super excited she did a trial class yesterday & has not stopped talking about it. I figured getting her involved in some activities will help keep her busy when the time comes I'm not here. But it's so great to see her excitement! Sometimes I'm still able to show her everything okay. I'm still working on DS getting up to walk. He still refuses to. But it is my goal to see my little man walk. A joke that he knows that's one of my goals so he's holding out so I'll hold out. but I worry he's 18 months and not walking but his doctor is not worried about it so I guess it's fine? But all in all I'm doing all right. And there's stuff going on with DH I'm going to make a whole separate post about so yeah there's that.

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Oh and I hope that little boy walks so u can see it. I know u hate hearing this but u are one strong women!! We love u @kitkat-1987,
27.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
I love seeing your updates. I’m happy u had a good time at the zoo!!! And I agree with putting your DD in activities. I’m sure she loves u watching her during her classes!! Please make sure to post when u can. Hope you’re getting a little energy back.
27.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
Thanks for the update @kitkat-1987 glad to hear you have all been enjoying nice outings together 😊 that's really awesome she is starting tumbling, that will be alot of fun and a good out let for her. And I'm sure little man will just walk out of the blue for you soon! It's good to hear you are feeling ok too. Your always in my thoughts and I love hearing your updates 😙
27.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
Thank you for the update prayers your way🙏🙏
27.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
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