Kevonna Duckett
I’m so sick and tired of these women who think they have PhDs in mothering telling me what I do wrong and right for my child. I was told my daughter was over weight because she’s 19 pounds at 7 months. I feel like if her doctor isn’t worried then neither am I. So if you’re one of those mothers that think you know it all don’t comment on anything I post please cause I don’t have time for the f**kery today, tomorrow or any other day after that.
5.8 лет

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There is a proper way to buckle babies though 🤷🏼‍♀️

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@coffeemomm, right 🤷🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️

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@mommyof_2woprincesses Right!! I mean what other reason would there be 😑😑

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@tegandavis16, lol right because hat will cause you to get your feelings hurt

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@they-see-me-trollin, exactly. I guess every baby the exact same to them. Or they think their baby is the “perfect” baby. And btw my 2 year old loves your profile picture. She’s a HUGE troll fan lol

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@coffeemomm, right I guess I chose to get pregnant twice and have my babies just to risk their safeties 😒😒

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@mommyof_2woprincesses Ikr. Then if you don't kiss their ass and "accept" their "advice" they call you prideful and too proud. Oh and apparently they say it bc they truly care about our child's safety cuz you know, like we don't 😤😒

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@mommyof_2woprincesses, I agree. There is definitely a right way and a wrong way to bring up the issue. Being passive aggressive is not the way to do it. Lol

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@mommyof_2woprincesses, yeah poor babiesss

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@tegandavis16, I don’t think they can be overweight either. And in my case they was asking why wasn’t she buckled? And what kind of mother doesn’t buckle their child all way? You know stuff like that. I mean if they would’ve just asked I would’ve explained it to them nicely. But when you start a sentence off with “what kind of mother” you’ve crossed the line lol

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@coffeemomm, I’ve had one like that too. The car wasn’t moving and the top was just buckled. We had just got to the store so we undid it half way before we took the picture. And then someone started commenting on the seat belt like I didn’t know it was unbuckled 😒😒

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@briannalynn547, I swaddled my daughter until she was 5 months lol. I didn’t shed jump in her sleep too and wake up.

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A mother trying to share the proper way for you to buckle your babe isn’t something that anyone should ever feel judged by. They are just trying to help because in that instance there is only ONE right way. But if your looking for someone who does have the certification to say that, I’m a Certified Child Passenger Safety Tech 😬

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😂 overweight?? Seriously?? 🤦🏼‍♀️ My daughter was 19lbs before 5 months old. Lol by the time she was 1 she was 27 pounds! Lol she’s 18 months now and 28 lbs 😬 she started walking and keeps getting taller and skinnier.
Babies can’t really be overweight.. they won’t overeat on formula or breast milk for sure. And they eat when they are hungry and stop when they are full when they start solids 🤷🏼‍♀️

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There is a proper way to buckle babies though 🤷🏼‍♀️

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Girl I have had to block a lot of bitches like that on here lately. There's one of them who just tried to troll on my pictures. People's always worried about what I feed my baby, and all this other bullshit. Oh she should be buckled this way oh this oh that. They get on my nerves. So I just keep moving. This post is the best fucking post I have ever seen in my life

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