So I’ve been taking my opks and got a positive yesterday and today. Pic is of my test yesterday on top and test today on the bottom. Yesterday I was having a lot of egg white cm and today I’m still having some but not as much as yesterday. Today though I am cramping like crazy. We didn’t get a chance to baby dance last night so I’m hoping we can tonight and I don’t miss my chance. We’re trying for our rainbow, it’s been 2 years since my last miscarriage but I had one 8 months before that also. What do you ladies think? Do I still have a chance? Oh and yesterday’s is dried of course but the one from today wasn’t all the way dried yet.
@oceanhalo, I wish I could do that 😂 My husband is a carpenter and works long days so he’s tired all the time and I’m lucky if I get it once. It’s hard trying to make a baby when you barely have sex.
Yesss dtd, wait a couple of hours, then dtd agaiiiin, wait again and fit another in before the day is over!😂 Stay laying down at least 15-20 mins if you can and raise your legs!!!👍😄