@miaheka - True. But that is the gamble you take. With my 1st I was induced and it lowered her heart rate and my blood pressure dropped and I almost got rushed to get a c-section but Hubby went into prayer mode and it came back up, thank God. But there were other instances where my friends weren't so fortunate.☹
@caligirlatheart, That’s not entirely true. I was induced and I never needed a C-section. As long you progress in your labor whether it’s by induction or not, and baby is in the right position, you won’t need to worry about having an ECS.
@caligirlatheart, I completely understand. I went through the same, and I wasn’t too thrilled with waiting another week either, but it was all worth it in the end. 💛 Have you talked to your doctor about induction if your baby doesn’t plan on coming on it’s own? 🙃
@miaheka - I understand. Placenta starts to deteriorate after 40 weeks (supposedly). I am just tired of being pregnant, not sleeping, nausea, feeling like I need to throw up, peeing 20x's a night, and having random bouts of diarrhea. 🙊😬😷🤢🤮
@caligirlatheart, no, they don’t want me to go any longer past 41 weeks and have to have a c section. My blood pressure was also high today when I went in :(
@first_time_mom_in_ky - Anxious is an understatement. I've been bouncing on my birth ball, walking like crazy, eating pineapples and drinking pineapple juice, intercourse, red raspberry leaf tea, etc. He is just NOT ready, I guess.