Jacque Harvey
Hi mommy's. I just found out I have gestational diabetes and I'm honestly freaking out internally. This is our first baby and my SO already worries so much about everything I'm trying not to let him see how freaked out I am over this all that he stays calm. I don't know what to do... Words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated.
5.8 лет

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I am a first time mom too, I haven’t had that test done yet and don’t really know what to expect with it but I’d just tell your SO to not worry to badly and just relax, just watch what you eat mainly not to much sugar or sweets I am assuming that’s how blood sugar goes up. I have family members that has diabetes and they have to watch what they eat and how much of sugar type things they eat. Just breathe and relax and not try to freak out to much, I know it’s hard but I have to constantly tell myself that too and relax or I make myself sick. You got this girl! 😊

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I am a first time mom too, I haven’t had that test done yet and don’t really know what to expect with it but I’d just tell your SO to not worry to badly and just relax, just watch what you eat mainly not to much sugar or sweets I am assuming that’s how blood sugar goes up. I have family members that has diabetes and they have to watch what they eat and how much of sugar type things they eat. Just breathe and relax and not try to freak out to much, I know it’s hard but I have to constantly tell myself that too and relax or I make myself sick. You got this girl! 😊

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