Megan Stewart
Megan Stewart
Were still pretty early on in this pregnancy and my husband and his mom are the ones planning the baby shower(it’s coed) for the beginning of October. All of my family lives out of town so I figured this would be plenty of time to tell them so they could come. It’s not like I’m asking them to be there for a long time just literally a couple days at most, and they only live two states away. My family has already said they’re probably not going to come. All I want to do is cry. 😭😭😭

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Yeah it’s a double income household they’re middle class and can afford trips just fine. I really just think it’s because it’s an inconvenient time of year for them. Which just makes me mad. It’s always expected that I put in the effort, but then when they don’t and I call them on it then I’m being selfish.
01.07.2018 Нравится Ответить
@steganmewart I'm so sorry! My mom only makes 1400 a month
30.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@karensmommy, no not at all. I mean I do have younger siblings that are in school. But again it’s not like I’m asking them to even take a week off. Literally a couple days at most. A flight to here wouldn’t even cost that much. I don’t see how at least one of them couldn’t come to either the baby shower or soon after the babies born.
30.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@steganmewart are they a low income family?
30.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@karensmommy, it’s just frustrating. They live maybe 15 hours away. They’ve already said they probably won’t come to the baby shower or after the babies born. I know it’s because it’s around Christmas and that makes it inconvenient for them. It’s their first grandchild, I just assumed they’d want to be apart of this.
30.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@aileen_west, I’m not having a completely separate baby shower just because they decided it wasn’t important enough to come. I’m not even concerned about the rest of my family I just assumed my parents at least would make the effort to come. They said they would try to come visit sometime after the baby is born but I know what that means it’ll be at least 6 months to a year before they show up if they show up at all
30.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
My mom lives 8 hrs away and has only seen my daughter once when she was 3 months and my sister lives 10 hrs away and has never seen my kid. I know how u feel
30.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
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