Hi My3boys my twins are doing great actually they are growing so fast. My son is over 9 pounds and daughter over 8 pounds now. They only spent 12 days in the nicu and so thankful when I got to take them home. I can't believe their 7 weeks old already, it certainly does go by fast.
01.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
How are your twins hoping? Are they out of nicu? Xx
01.09.2014 Нравится Ответить
I see you got your wish... A boy and girl! How exciting, I'm sooo happy for you, congratulations!
♥️thanks everyone couldn't be happier with my birth story it had such a perfect ending.
22.07.2014 Нравится Ответить
21.07.2014 Нравится Ответить
They're so gorgeous! That hair! I'm so happy for you. :)
21.07.2014 Нравится Ответить
This is just the best news!!!! Congrats hoping, you have your two little miracles and they are just beautiful! ❤️
21.07.2014 Нравится Ответить
Loving on them sooooo much!!!!!!!
20.07.2014 Нравится Ответить
I got tears on my eyes when I just read"it's a girl!" So I can only imagine! How awesome!
20.07.2014 Нравится Ответить
Oh!!!! Congratulations Hun!!! I'm SO happy for you!! How wonderful that you got one of each & they're so beautiful & healthy! I was just thinking of you & that you must be close so logged on to see this gorgeous picture. Hope you are enjoying every (well earned!) minute & that you're recovering well from the section xxxx
20.07.2014 Нравится Ответить
Congratulations on your beautiful babies! And thanks for sharing your story xx
Woke up on Fri morning and felt like someone literally beat me up or I went on one heck of a binge last night. Stomach was rock hard all day. No contractions, bleeding, mucus or anything. Called doc then off to L&D to get checked in the afternoon. After NST test babies were fine and no contractions, sent home.
That night bef 9 I started having real contractions but timing was all over the map 4-12min apart. Called L&D and then back I go again. I hafta say my sis lives about 15min fm me i think she made it in 5 lol. Got to hospital and they suggested taking out cerclage as that will force the contractions to go away or me into labour. Got Epi and mom and sis came into operating room with me for that quick removal. Contractions got down to 5-8 consistent minutes apart but only dilated 1.5cm. Family went home and I stayed and literally conked out on drugs/ Epidural.
Next day in afternoon contractions completely stopped (are you freekn kidding me) back home I go and they took out Epi & IV etc. By the way, Epi hurt like a son of a B going in because I have scoliosis and more back issues on top of that.
Had a long bath and 1.5hrs sleep then food. In afternoon I noticed a tiny bit if mucus coming out and knew it was a good sign. Around 2.30 I started leaking a bit of fluid. From there it went fast leaked a lot more fluid and contractions started full on. They were betw 1-3min apart and my water was full on breaking. Back to hospital for the kazillionth time. Put Epi back in (that time was better yeah) and had to decide betw c section and natural. Most doc & nurses were strongly suggesting natural as I was already 3cm and they thought it would go quickly. I wasn't so sure about the quickly part lol. As you all know my babies were transverse for the whole pregnancy and Baby A flipped awhile bef their birth but Baby B only flipped head down days before. I don't know why but I was worried about birthing Baby B. Didn't want complications with that one. They checked me again now at 5cm. Needed to make birth selection so an hour later they checked me one last time bef I made decision 5cm still. It stalled again ugh.
Anyway chose a section off to delivery. Mom came in with me but I was worried for her as she doesn't like blood and guts etc. I could hear them suctioning out what fluid was left and I told mom baby was coming quick. My OB yelled out that it was a boy!!! So thrilled, now in my head I said pls let next one be my girl. My mom immediately stood up and looked over (way to go mom). I was yelling take pictures, take pictures haha. My son was cleaned up and immediately taken around for me to see. The suction stared up again and out comes the second baby by the feet (good instincts mama as she would of been breach, glad I chose a section). He took the little one out and held baby downwards so we couldn't see the sex. Mom told me baby was out and I kept asking what it was, mom was asking what it was. The best part of this the OB looked at mom, showed her the baby and asked mom 'What is it?' Mom screamed out 'It's a girl, we have a girl' then we all lost it. I thought it was beautiful the way the OB did that. My daughter was wrapped and presented to me for kisses and cuddles too.
They were put near me to get all cleaned up and they were just so mellow they both just lay there and no crying or anything. I kept asking if they were ok because they weren't moving and yelling at all but they were fine.
They were put one on each of my shoulders for about 10-15min until they finished up with me. I just laid there with my eyes closed and rubbing their lil cheeks. I was in pure heaven it was amazing!!