My toddler is 2 now and she doesn't eat anything till now. She always wants milk. I keep her hungry for fee hours in a hope that she would eat but it's of no use..she takes 2-3 bites of whatever I give her which is not enough to fill her tummy.
Has anyone ever suffered from such type of problem with their kids. Plz suggest what should I do to make her eat?

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It's really hard time for me! Trying so many thing but just 1-2 bite frustrates me
27.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
Yes this is an ongoing battle. Sorry to say it won’t end soon. You have to come up with ways to make it fun for her, try different foods on different plates. Let her pick a plate and a utensil. Let her eat with her hands. Feed her and make it a game. Just try different things. My daughter is 3.5 and I’m still coming up with ways to get her to eat. Lately I’ve been bribing her with the iPad 😩
27.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
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