Kamila Baldwin
Does any Mother’s give there 10 month old whole milk?
5.8 лет

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@triniricanmom it might help. My daughter was 16.5 lbs at 10.5 months and at her 1 year appt she was at 19 lbs. She was 6lbs 6oz at birth and they wanted her to have tripled her birth weight by age 1. She was always at 5% for her weight until she started crawling, then she dropped off the charts and wasn't gaining. That's why her dr. Had me adding butter and sour cream to her foods. It helped a little, but not enough, that's why i started her on milk, she wouldn't take formula, it made her gag really bad.

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@triniricanmom it might help. My daughter was 16.5 lbs at 10.5 months and at her 1 year appt she was at 19 lbs. She was 6lbs 6oz at birth and they wanted her to have tripled her birth weight by age 1. She was always at 5% for her weight until she started crawling, then she dropped off the charts and wasn't gaining. That's why her dr. Had me adding butter and sour cream to her foods. It helped a little, but not enough, that's why i started her on milk, she wouldn't take formula, it made her gag really bad.

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@linsceb, hmmm my son is 16 pounds and he’s going on 11 months in a few days. I wonder if milk will put some weight on him. But dr hasn’t said anything about whole milk. He’s on nutramigen right now

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With my daughter i gave her whole milk at 10.5 months only because she wasn't gaining weight like she was supposed to. She has started sleeping through the night which made my supply drop so she wasn't getting enough calories. This was after her dr had me adding butter and sour cream to her veggies to increase calories. Even doing that she wasn't gaining, so i switched her to whole milk and she gained almost 2 lbs in 6 weeks, so i know i made the right choice for her. With all 3 of my boys they didn't start milk until they were at least a year old.

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We started whole milk at 8 months. He gets both breast and whole.

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I was told to give whole milk after a year

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