I am still bleeding and I’m just going to assume miscarrying, but until my lab results come back on Monday, I will see what is really going on. Second lab test tomorrow.. *sigh*. Pregnancy is a confusing world for sure.
@dickensbe, wow! I definitely need to look that up. My Dr didn’t order an ultrasound yet since I’m still so early into the pregnancy, but I am SO curious to see what these blood work tests reveal. I remember my miscarriage was SO heavy and SO painful as well. I’m so sorry you experienced it as well. What a nightmare, right? Thank you for the positive light. That really does help to ease my mind!
I had non-painful bright red bleeding and thought for sure I was miscarrying around 7 weeks, but when I had an ultrasound done I found out it was a subchorionic hemorrhage. I bled for two weeks before it stopped. I am now 26 weeks with a healthy baby. Don't give up hope! I've had a miscarriage too and it was heavy bleeding and very painful. Prayers for you!
Yes it does they say it gets easier and it really doesn’t, i understand it’s not fun a few of my friends have gone thru it and anyone that has to go through it my heart aches for because i know it’s painful to the body and heart when something like that happens and the majority of the time it happens to the best people out there that would make great parents.
@rebelprincesz24, I just started following you. My heart goes out to you, as I can imagine that pain stays with you forever. Your little ones are precious gems. <3 I am so grateful for cyber friends like you!
Miscarrying is not fun. My last one was 4 years ago at 6 wks. Very painful and crazy. On the 4th of July! I would love to stay connected!
It’s no problem, and the tenderness comes and goes tbh I really didn’t have it and it stay, it comes and goes. You ever need someone to talk to you can talk to me, I haven’t had an actual miscarriage that Ik of but I do know what it’s like to lose a little one.
@rebelprincesz24, you are very sweet. I am in no pain whatsoever, which is basically my only glimmer of hope. Although, my breast tenderness completely disappeared along with this bleeding, so.... yeah. 🤷🏽♀️ Prayers are very much appreciated!
Hopefully it’s nothing bad, maybe you have a uti or some sort of infection that’s causing it. My friend was recently bleeding like that and found out that’s what hers was. Praying you get good news when your results come in.🙏🏻🤞🏻
@rebelprincesz24, I’m bleeding every time I use the bathroom, and I am also having some “moments” where it gets on the pad throughout the day. (Tmi). Started on Thursday night, so the Dr ordered these labs 2 days apart.
Unfortunately, it is red, with tiny clots sometimes. 😞 I know that’s not the best sign.