Amber J. Stacy
Amber J. Stacy
I help my sister babysit on occasion. The 2 little girl I help with are 18 months and 2 yr old. The 2 yr old has not even started potty training and will take off her diapers and run around naked. It's gotten so bad that to their parents have cut off the feet on her sleepers and zipped her into them backwards. This is just to keep her diapers on. I inquired about potty training and it didn't sound like they had any intention of doing so any time soon. Would it be wrong of me to start potty training while I'm there which is maybe 1 or 2 days a week?

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We started my daughter a few months after 2. She wasn’t developmentally ready before. She’s making good progress and we just got her first panties today! Every child is different. I think this would be better approached by your sister who is the main babysitter. Perhaps she recommends they get a little potty and she will work with her? We let our daughter run around naked, because she runs to the potty on her own. She has more trouble when she has a pull up on.
24.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
That’s not necessarily the only sign that they are ready to potty train though. My daughter has started doing the same thing, taking off her pull up and completely undressing. I ask her if she wants to sit on her potty after she does it but usually she just wants to be naked. I always give her the option but she doesn’t seem too interested right now. You can do the same but she may just not be ready yet.
23.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
@taylorsmommy1017 I understand. It's just bothers me that they go to such lengths to keep a diaper on her. She let's you know when she pees or poops. Im just wondering if they just dont care or aren't interested. Or that they just don't have the time.
23.06.2018 Нравится Ответить
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