Is this normal? It looks open on the inside of her belly button. She’s 1 week and 3 days old.. also can I give her a bath when it falls off completely, even if it looks open on the inside? My mom tried to wipe it off cause it’s hanging by a thread and I told her no because I was told not to touch it and let it fall off by itself.
Clean with alcohol and dry. Should be ok as long as there is no yellow or green discharge and the skin around it stays normal color. Discharge or pinkish skin can mean an infection
My little girls did that my pedi said the keep it clean with rubbing alcohol and let it fall off on its own, it should start closing up in a few days and scab over then you can give her a bath. My little girls kept popping open when she’d scream she’s been a bit colicky so it’s just now closed up.